About | Spheres of Perception
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We use an approach adopted from Spheres of Perception,  to care for  health and life on all levels.


Standing on the edge of a new era in healthcare  where it will be significantly affected by  genomics, climate change , emerging diseases and a new understanding of how evolution operates we face enormous  new challenges.  With evolution recently understood to be a molecular interaction of information sharing in escalating complexity, more than ever, we now  need reliable and unbiased information in healthcare to focus on the interaction between health, the environment and the human-animal bond.
The 2020 Covid pandemic further reemphasized the importance of the delicate bond  between us , other species  and the environment.
Redefining life as an interconnected network and perceptive on all levels, our duty is to  interconnect healthy pet to healthy environment and care, without causing harm to either life or our environment. —Spheres of Perception (2020).

How and what we do:
As integrated veterinary health consultants we tap on all the latest work in the fields of veterinary, physical , natural and social sciences with focus on the human-animal bond. Our core principle is to interconnect a healthy habitat and a healthy animal to their human caretakers as vital to a comprehensive healthcare effort.

Our pet health consultations are one-on-one— at our Perth based clinic, your home or online.

Group and organization consultation by appointment—fees are prearranged based on need and time.

Key areas:

-Internal medicine



-The interaction between environment, animal and pet owner on animal health

-We aim to reducing the carbon footprint and environmental impact by having a healthy pet interconnected to a respectful community.  

Healthy planet and healthy living

About  Dr Theo Holtzhausen,  founder and author of the new (SoP) concept:
With over 30 years experience in a full career as a practicing vet he worked in diverse  ​places, from as remote as Taung in South Africa,   China to Singapore,  Sydney, Auckland and London.  Currently Perth (Australia) based after setting up veterinary practices in different countries and living around the world, he found it unsettling to witness the disparity in healthcare— from neglected care to over-servicing with complete neglect of the environmental impact of superfluous pesticides and certain pharmaceuticals. Clearly this must change if we wish to have a safe, sustainable and civil future for ourselves and the animals and environment under our care, so this is what we fervently pursue .
Academic background: 

  • Veterinary Medicine,  BVSc (UP) 

  • International Health,   PGDipIntnlHlth (Curtin)

  • Philosophy MSc research based

  •  Publications - Spheres of Perception and Sensible Gene Selfish Being

Dr Theo

Let’s Work Together

  • Interested investors and sponsor  for  environmentally  interconnected  veterinary care, contact us first

  • To talk to a vet about integrated health care  or make a donation please register first

  • Veterinary professionals wanting to join  please introduce yourself with your qualifications  and university where obtained.

  • Contact LINK below

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